[EN] Portofolio
Programs developed by me
(the links below direct to English pages)
1. Timed Silver
2. SilverEdu Memory Game
3. SilverEdu Number Snake
4. qt-mathemakid (Patreon link) - educational software in mathematics for 6th grade children;
5. qt-file-manager;
6. qt-unelte-dex;
7. Folder Index;
8. qt-cli-folder-index;
9. web-darmaths;
10. qt-crystaldev;
11. web-edu-chimie;
12. qt-analiza-text;
13. qt-generare-orar;
14. web-generare-orar;
15. qt-acidlink;
16. simulare-postulatele-lui-einstein;
17. simulare-efectul-compton;
18. qt-timeout;
19. cs-powerpoint-presentation-resource-extactor;
20. cs-systemuptime;
21. cs-winforms-schimbarea-bazei-intr-un-spatiu-vectorial;
22. rb-humble-bug;
23. http://nu-copiati.meximas.com - currently offline, a website promoting attitudes and behaviors against cheating at exams in school and college and later in life.
More information soon. Do not hesitate to sustain me as a patron, in this way you will have access to my new creations and improvements:
Become a Patron!
1. Timed Silver
2. SilverEdu Memory Game
3. SilverEdu Number Snake
4. qt-mathemakid (Patreon link) - educational software in mathematics for 6th grade children;
5. qt-file-manager;
6. qt-unelte-dex;
7. Folder Index;
8. qt-cli-folder-index;
9. web-darmaths;
10. qt-crystaldev;
11. web-edu-chimie;
12. qt-analiza-text;
13. qt-generare-orar;
14. web-generare-orar;
15. qt-acidlink;
16. simulare-postulatele-lui-einstein;
17. simulare-efectul-compton;
18. qt-timeout;
19. cs-powerpoint-presentation-resource-extactor;
20. cs-systemuptime;
21. cs-winforms-schimbarea-bazei-intr-un-spatiu-vectorial;
22. rb-humble-bug;
23. http://nu-copiati.meximas.com - currently offline, a website promoting attitudes and behaviors against cheating at exams in school and college and later in life.
Other links
Software projects on which I have worked or I am working:
- Patreon profile;
- My GitHub profile - when I have time, I contribute daily on GitHub to OSS projects.
- https://bitbucket.org/silviubogan
The well-known site StackOverflow:
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/258462/silviubogan
- Patreon profile;
- My GitHub profile - when I have time, I contribute daily on GitHub to OSS projects.
- https://bitbucket.org/silviubogan
The well-known site StackOverflow:
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/258462/silviubogan
More information soon. Do not hesitate to sustain me as a patron, in this way you will have access to my new creations and improvements:
Become a Patron!
[RO] Portofoliu
Programe dezvoltate de mine
(link-urile duc la pagini în română în afară de excepții precizate ca atare)1. Timed Silver
2. SilverEdu Memory Game
3. SilverEdu Number Snake
4. qt-mathemakid (link Patreon) - software educațional în matematică pentru copii de clasa a VI-a;
5. qt-file-manager;
6. qt-unelte-dex;
7. Folder Index;
8. qt-cli-folder-index;
9. web-darmaths;
10. qt-crystaldev;
11. web-edu-chimie;
12. qt-analiza-text;
13. qt-generare-orar;
14. web-generare-orar;
15. simulare-postulatele-lui-einstein;
16. qt-acidlink;
17. simulare-efectul-compton;
18. qt-timeout;
19. cs-powerpoint-presentation-resource-extactor;
20. cs-systemuptime;
21. cs-winforms-schimbarea-bazei-intr-un-spatiu-vectorial;
22. rb-humble-bug;
23. http://nu-copiati.meximas.com - momentan offline, un site promovând atitudini și comportamente împotriva copierii la examene/teste de evaluare în școală, facultate sau mai târziu în viață.
Alte link-uri
Proiecte software pe care am lucrat sau lucrez:- profil Patreon;
- Profilul meu GitHub - când am timp, contribui zilnic pe GitHub la proiecte SOS (Software Open Source).
- https://bitbucket.org/silviubogan
Vestitul site StackOverflow:
- https://stackoverflow.com/users/258462/silviubogan
Mai multe informații în curând. Nu ezitați să mă susțineți ca patron, astfel veți avea acces la noile mele creații și îmbunătățiri:
Devino un Patron!
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